Help ID nakamichi tape deck

hey... i'm trying to identify a gigantic nakamichi cassette deck my father had around '83. if i remember correctly it was about 9 inches tall and had a mostly silver face with a black bottom (or vice versa?). there were no (or very few) buttons available to you unless you pushed a portion of the bottom piece and then that piece would sort of open up a la the doors of the old long-gone lime green briklin my father also had (i'm just realizing now dad was a swinger). anyway, after the bottom piece opened up you'd find all kinds of knobs and buttons. this is all from memory so i could be missing something major.

it's not the dragon, btw. the face place was solid and the colors were silver and black: that's really the extent of my knowledge.

as always, thanks everyone in advance!

Showing 1 response by beemer


You'll enjoy your Nak cassette adventure. I have owned a Dragon since 1984 and I also have a mint 1000 tri-tracer.
These can and will make positively phenominal tapes with the right tape. I've always preferred Nak's own tape, which is getting very hard to find nowadays. Some say the cassette is dead, I say not. I've got tapes from the radio from years back of such as REM playing in a small bar in Boston, way before they became popular, as well as many from the "King Biscuit Flour Hour", which you may or may not remember.
These sound as good now as they did back when, as I used the Nak ZX metal tape. Please do let us know how you do in your search for a good classic NAK, and how you like it when you get it.
