Help i'm lost... what cd player to buy ??

ok here is the system i will get ( only have om-10 for now )

Classe CAV-75 or bryston sb4 *2 ..
Mirage OM-9 to replace om-10 in front and put the OM-10 in the back ..

i plan to get a bryston Sp1 pre/proc if money is there later on and i can get a good deal ..or maybe even classe SP30

this system will mainly be used for stereo CD musci at ~90% of time..and the rest for DTS- DVD and games ..

SO i need to get a good cd player to use with my current WOW AKAI 1970 receiver :p hehe and my OM-10
i do not wish to spend 1000$USD on a cd player, so i'm really ocnsidering to get a used player..
but i want it to be a good player as it will be part of my system later on :) ..

i was considering a nakamichi MB-10 or MB-8 ..cause it's pretty cheap..and almost everybody told me that the sound is great..

but i do not think it seriously would be up to the point that it could be used with the kinda PRE and AMPS i am planning to get ..
mmy listening room now is quite small..but i wanna keep this equipment for later on when i'll buy my condo and have a larger living room to listen to music ..

what would be a good CD player investment ??
and how much should i be paying for it!

thank you!!!

JIN :)

Showing 1 response by davewavaolcom

I agree get the sony dvp9000es. You get SACD, CD and DVD.

Pretty cool all arround player.