Help..................... I am a little worried.

I am hearing a strange sound in my system that sounds.......well it's hard to discribe but, maybe a coughing, crackling kind of thing. It's not real loud, and I only hear it when I am not playing music. I have had some problems with my power amp (VT-200) blowing some tubes in the past, so I am thinking it might be something with it. The thing is ARC just went over it (about 2 months ago)and said everything is fine and installed all new tubes. I wonder though "Is everything fine"?

Does anyone have any ideas for help on this one. Could it be something else and how do I figure out what's causing this. Needless to say I am a little worried........ If it is the amp shipping this thing from TX to MN. isn't cheap.

Showing 1 response by thorman

Considering you just spent x amount of $$ at Audio Research,why don't you call them and ask them what they think it might be.Maybe you can get some free advise,and not have to go through the frustration we've all gone through at one time or another. Sounds like a bad tube,but they are supposed to be new,but you nver know..Good Luck