Help for Mark Levinson 31 Transport

Hello all you goners. I need a little help. I don't seem to have the transport screws that went in the bottom of my Mark Levinson #31 Transport. I had my dealer call levinson and they don't know the size and they are out of stock. Does anyone know what size screw this is? Lenght, pitch, threadcount. Anything would be helpful.


Showing 1 response by tfkaudio


If they don't know the size, how do they know that they're out of stock? Did they just say "Our company has no screws whatsoever. We've decided to sunset the screw technology. We've gone completely screwless. We feel the very idea of a screw is an idea whose time has come and gone. Some people still like screws, and that's fine. But we're not living in the past here at Harman International."

That's the funniest thing I've ever heard. When I finished laughing I would ask to speak to that person's boss.

I'm still laughing right now.