Help for Mark Levinson 31 Transport

Hello all you goners. I need a little help. I don't seem to have the transport screws that went in the bottom of my Mark Levinson #31 Transport. I had my dealer call levinson and they don't know the size and they are out of stock. Does anyone know what size screw this is? Lenght, pitch, threadcount. Anything would be helpful.


Showing 1 response by sbnx

Thanks for the reply and contact information. I am not sure what happened to the screws. I have known my dealer for many years and believe him. He told me that he was transferred several times and the guy he talked to did not know the size of the screw and that they were currently out of stock and it would take a few months to get one if I wanted one. I was hoping someone would know the size so that I could simply go to a hardware store and buy a couple.

Thanks again for the contact info. I think I will call them directly and see if I can get a couple of screws.
