HELP FedEx Mangles Speakers - Refuses Claim

I received double boxed with ample foam padding top and bottom - large, expensive speakers that are crushed on the corners and bottoms. I took dozens of pictures while unpacking, have all shipping materials, filed claim, met with claims agent. I did it all correctly and was denied via form letter. Any legal referrals, appeals, BBB, class-action process help etc., is appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by shakeydeal

Has anyone even thought of this? Fedex will NOT allow YOU to file a claim in the first place. The shipper has to initiate and follow through on a damage claim. Not YOU. How did this even happen?

As stated before, the shipper is on the hook here. If it's denied, he owes you a refund. If it's paid, the check comes to him and he forwards you the funds. You have more of a fight on your hands with him than fedex. Let HIM do the legwork.

As I mentioned above. How was the consignee even able to file a claim with fedex? Anyone know the answer to this question?
