HELP FedEx Mangles Speakers - Refuses Claim

I received double boxed with ample foam padding top and bottom - large, expensive speakers that are crushed on the corners and bottoms. I took dozens of pictures while unpacking, have all shipping materials, filed claim, met with claims agent. I did it all correctly and was denied via form letter. Any legal referrals, appeals, BBB, class-action process help etc., is appreciated.

Showing 1 response by mrmitch

And THIS would be the reason why I dont buy anything that has to be shipped. No matter what precautions with shipping are taken, its basically a crap shoot as to whether or not what you bought arrives in one piece. I would much rather wait til what I want that can be picked up by driving myself to get it becomes available. All it took was seeing the UPS guy arrive in my driveway and THROW the box containing a Blue Circle amp onto my lawn!Just dont need the hassle that ensued.