Help? Equalizer Question

I have an Audio Control C-101 Equalizer which I sometimes use with my system. It is run the the tape loop on the preamp. When playing certain songs on CD's it causes bad distortion. If I turn the equalizer off the distortion is gone. This doesn,t happen at random. Every time I play that particular song using the equalizer it is distorted. I have checked conections I dont know how many times to be sure it is connected properly. (Could it be bad cables?) Any feedback on this, besides don't use the equalizer, would be greatly appreciated.

Showing 1 response by bmccormick

I think I have cured the problem, and it was an easy fix. You simply unhook the cables, pull the equalizer out, and the problem is gone. Oh, by the way, I do happen to have an equalizer for sale if anyone is interested. Thanks for the help guys.