HELP Electrocompaniet stole Christmas

What a mess:
After finally deciding that spending money on the latest EMC-1 parts mod, I contacted Electrocompaniet's distributor back in October to arrange to bring my EMC-1 MkII to him directly in PA so as to avoid RT shipping risks and expense for this 50 pounder. All was set for a Christmas week mod, as I was to be in NJ visiting my relatives that last week.
I called on Christmas eve to arrange a drop-off time, and was told that Christmas Day noon would be fine, but that I had to arrange the deal through a dealer! Yikes! So I remembered Fathers & Sons and called them, arranging for the paperwork and profit to be credited through/to them. Fine. So I drove 2 hours through a nasty winter storm to arrive at Warshaw's house, where he said he'd NOT perform the mod if my EMC-1 didn't have a serial number on it, as there was a grey-market guy in New York who sold a few of these this year. I assured him that mine indeed had a serial number, was produced in spring '01, and bought used by me in summer '01. He said OK, and lugged the player into his house, saying he'd call me in a couple of days to pick it up. Great!..............
I returned to NJ and watched the storm intensify....
Two days later I called to arrange a pick-up hour, and Alan told me that he did NOT perform the mod because the player had been originally sold by a Danish dealer, and NOT through him, so he had made a decision to NOT support any players not originally sold thorough him. No warranty repars, parts, nor mods!..............
I was stunned, couldn't convince him to make an exception since he had never asked me to provide a serial number beforehand, and I went through a total of a half-day of driving through a storm to accomplish this mod.
He just told me to come pick it up at my convenience. I glumly arrived on Saturday and retrieved my untouched puppy, where Alan said that unfortunately I had to share the victimization of the gray-market. I asked if I should contact a Danish dealer to see if a board-swap could be done (of course thinking he didn't really know the answer), but he thought that Electrocompaniet wouldn't support my player either! I asked with some incredulity what was going to happen with all the players that people have when they move from one country to another (!), but he said that this policy was the only way they have of penalyzing the gray market.... I suggested that in THIS CASE he should have installed the mod because of his lack of due diligence in assessing the production/sales history of this particular CDP, ESPECIALLY given my enormous effort in delivering it to his doorstep on Christmas Day.... I left sadly but gracefully.
WHAT SHOULD I DO? I contacted the Danish dealer but he's not responded. Should I contact Electrocompaniet directly and try to arrange a board swap or purchase the parts mod "kit" and instakllation directions (I'm pretty familiar with boards and soldering)? Should Alan have acted differently? Isn't the world getting small enough so that internationally-sold products should have protected lives independent of sales point?
A Happy and safe New Year to all!

Showing 5 responses by dennis_the_menace

I have read this ENTIRE thread (phew!):

1) Thanks for everyone's REAL experience dealing with Alan. It is necessary in order to confirm Ernie's side of the story (since SOS said there were apparently two different stories being told).

2) Alan is royally F-ing up. EC and Alan have a chance to turn this into a good situation, by publically and quickly finding a solution to this specific mess, and then to come up with sensible policies that deal with grey market players.

3) Completely agree with Sean, Zaikesman... thanks for being bold and eloquent guys. This is downright bad service, and reflects poorly on EC. If EC doesn't come up with a solution for Ernie and others with these players, than it just confirms EC as a company that doesn't value it's customers, is out to make a buck, only wants to protect it's dealers/distributors at the expense of customers, may not support other products it carries, etc, etc.

4) There are SO MANY other options besides this CD player! When you're spending an arm and a leg for electronics, you better get great customer service.

5) I have a used VAC 70/70 MKIII that has had some intermittent hum issues: Kevin Hayes has ALWAYS taken my call, spent WHATEVER time necessary to talk me through the "next step" in solving the problem, and has ASKED that I KEEP HIM INFORMED and to CALL BACK with WHATEVER I may need, and offered to take the amp back to look at it at my convenience!!, even though I told him I bought it for over 60% below list price! After having this kind of service, I realize that this IS HOW IT SHOULD BE!

Good luck Ernie. I hope you get in touch with EC and that they see this thread. And yes, I believe that this should be reference on AA. The more public the mess, the more pressure. Manufacturers/Distributors must realize that there is a STEEP price to pay for less-than-STELLAR customer service.
I like Resolution Audio's method of "distribution": all through the internet, direct to customer, with a trial period for anyone interested. No middle men. And you can see for yourself, in YOUR system, what the piece sounds like. And, everyone gets the same price... fair, smart, and appreciated!
all i have to say is EC sucks. there are other high end electronics companies that have figured out a MUCH better way to deal with customers. why can't they?
I can't believe this! You want us to all donate money to buy a player from a company that we have decided needs to learn a hard lesson by losing business??

NO WAY! If I donate money, it'll be for a unit by Ayre, Resolution Audio, or another company known for it's excellent customer service!
Zaikesman... I am in TOTAL agreement re: your response to Onwhy61. What is up with people that DEFEND an F-'d up system that treats customers like DIRT?

He was PAYING FULL PRICE for an upgrade, after HE HAD CONFIRMATION by the distributor that it would happen! and then DENIED??!