Help educate Analogue rookie

I have my main system CD based and while I am happy with the system. I woud like to get in to analouge to find out what the fuss is all about. I have audiioned (not recently) analogue sound once or twice and the memory of sound is distinct- Very realistic, immediate and warm sound. I don't remember background noise or clicking/skipping sound/s.

What are the main differences between CD and analogue sound?
Is background noise will always be present?

What are the makes you recommend that would NOT have any background noise? I could spend up to $2000-$2500 for turntable, tone arm and cartridge combo.

These questions may sound silly to you, but I absolutely want to know if background noise/s, clicks sounds are myth or a analogue reality.


Showing 1 response by tfkaudio

I find that the surface noise and occasional static pops are far easier to listen to than a lifeless CD. I'm glad that SACD has caught on fairly well in the classical genre. I like to listen to classical on SACD, where there won't be any static pops or other spurious noise during extremely quiet passages. Rock music, however, is always better on vinyl. The generally higher and consistently louder levels mean you won't really notice the surface noise, unless the record is really dirty or scratched. Just the other day I listened to the Beatles "Sgt. Pepper" for the first time in years on my vinyl rig, and couldn't believe all the fantastic bass playing by Sir Paul that I had totally forgotten about because I've never heard it on the CD.
