Help educate Analogue rookie

I have my main system CD based and while I am happy with the system. I woud like to get in to analouge to find out what the fuss is all about. I have audiioned (not recently) analogue sound once or twice and the memory of sound is distinct- Very realistic, immediate and warm sound. I don't remember background noise or clicking/skipping sound/s.

What are the main differences between CD and analogue sound?
Is background noise will always be present?

What are the makes you recommend that would NOT have any background noise? I could spend up to $2000-$2500 for turntable, tone arm and cartridge combo.

These questions may sound silly to you, but I absolutely want to know if background noise/s, clicks sounds are myth or a analogue reality.


Showing 1 response by dan_ed

If you are saying that you want no background noise at all then I would recommend that you pass on vinyl. Yes, background noise is a vinyl reality. However, except for some occasional ticks most of this noise is only heard between tracks and sometimes during very quiet passages. It depends on the condition of the LP and/or how well it is cleaned. It depends on the quality of the bearing and how well the table sinks vibrations. It depends on the stylus shape and tracking parameters. It depends on many things. Vinyl is a commitment of time, effort and money. When one get's it right, nothing comes close to vinyl playback short of reel-2-reel. Not HDCD, SACD, DVDA, etc. I suggest finding someone close to you with a decent vinyl setup and try to arrainge a few listening sessions. Decide from experience as it were. If you do choose to give it a try you will find many good people here that will be happy to help you along.