Help Driver replacement.

Hello folks,
Need help locating replacement drivers for a (dbx Model db-SW2x6) subwoofer unit. ID on drivers read: 8308 Taiwan ROC. PT 81 9630) Nominal 8 ohms. I mention this in case anyone of you may have a pair laying around.
The SW unit is part of a system called, dbx Soundfield 3x2 RS Plus.
I have tried searching for days,Google etc. I was even hoping to find the paperwork/manual so I could get the specs, and try to match it up with an OEM unit, but no luck so far. So I though I'd try the community here on Agon.
Any help would be really appreciated.
Thanks Swampwalker for your quick reply. Parts Connexion was a no go. Madisom has one which I can e-mail them about. I've come to the realization, that I need the specs on my unit like frequency response & power handling, at the very least which I can't find so far.
I appreciate your help.