Help deciding on DD/DTS Pre-amp

Currently using a Yamaha 3090 as a Pre-amp and Sunfire Cinema Grande for power and Polk SRT system for speakers and Kimber for wires. I have decided that the Yamaha may be getting dated and it may be time to step up to the next level. I would like to stay solid state and not get too outrageous but I want quality sound in both 2 channel and 5 channel. I have seen the B&K Ref 20 and am considering a used one but wondered what you audiophiles think.

Showing 2 responses by wcj56

Listened to Proceed AVP $5000, Classe SSP25 $3000, Rotel 976 $1200, and TagMclaren AV32R $4000 Today. Proceed is very nice but maybe a little too much money. Classe sounded excellent and is closer to my range. TagMclaren I had never heard of before today, sounded nice, looked nice, but I just dont know. Rotel did not compare I would prefer to listen to a little higher model before counting them out, maybe. I will check out the Nakamichi and the Meridian thanks for the great suggestions.
Took a look and listen to Sunfire, Krell, and Adcom yesterday. The Adcom surprisingly was blown away by the other two. The Krell was the better sounding but at $6000 is a little too much. Has anyone compared the Sunfire TG-II to any of the others? I do like that the Sunfire and the B&K have tuners, its not a big deal but a few less wires. The B&K Ref20 does not have video switching but the Ref30 does, again not a real big deal but every thing added is a plus. I do beleive I will set my limit around $3000 new and hopefully find a deal that is too good to be true. Thanks everyone for your input. Rich