Help deciding on DD/DTS Pre-amp

Currently using a Yamaha 3090 as a Pre-amp and Sunfire Cinema Grande for power and Polk SRT system for speakers and Kimber for wires. I have decided that the Yamaha may be getting dated and it may be time to step up to the next level. I would like to stay solid state and not get too outrageous but I want quality sound in both 2 channel and 5 channel. I have seen the B&K Ref 20 and am considering a used one but wondered what you audiophiles think.

Showing 1 response by mjaudio

If you don't want to spend much (less than $1,700 used mint) and don't need video switching I would look into the Meridian 565. It is not very user friendly and there is only 1 or 2 digital inputs but if it is the latest version, 6.1 or better I believe and has DTS than you cannot do any better for movies and stereo at this price. Compared to the Lexicon MC-1 (which is awesome for movies by the way but lacks in stereo) the Meridian 565 was just as good as the MC-1 in 7 channel mode but the bass was more robust and dynamic with the Meridian. It is a pain in the butt to use but the audio is still first class for the price. If you wanted to get something even nicer (around $3,500 used) get the Proceed AVP. The AVP is an great unit. The 5 year warranty is transferable, software/hardware upgradeable , extremely easy to use and built like a tank. Good Luck