Help build setup for Thrash-Metalcore

Help build a new setup for Thrash-Metalcore. Plan: Preamp-Amp-Floorstanding speackers.
Goodwill for the first stop.Maybe speakers.Then a Rotel/Adcom amp for a few hundred here.Better yet get an older Sansui receiver 8000 series.Wont need the separates.Anyway lots of ways to go.You can get older Sansui speakers,SP200,they are great for Rock so same same for Metal dude,rock on,cheers,B
Hello Vlady,

Check out Adcom pre & power amps.
Sony ES or Pioneer Elite Cd Player.
Cerwin Vega speakers.

I had this set up during the 80's and the gear is great for Metal and Hard Rock!
I have Rotel. With Rotel I not fun, Rotel have no emotionals. I wonna more drive, more emotionals.
I want to find a sound rich colors, and not just loud and fast. I tried the Prima Luna DiaLogue One, Audio Research V50 with Klipsch Cornwall and Sonus Faber.These components play any music. But when I put the Slayer, the sound disappeared. I can not understand what's wrong? I Just loss my way.