Help Best Audio Store in London?

Gentlemen,can someone please tell me the names of some good places to hear audio equipment in London. I love tubes and in particular I would love to hear an all Quad system. Thank you in advance.
It's been years since I was there, but there was a small shop called The Cornflake Shop which really was a nicely run store, very low-key and nice people. I walked there from the Mayfair area, so probably pretty close to there. I think they may still be in business, as I seem to recall seeing an ad for them in BBC Music or some similar publication. They had Roksan equipment back then, among other brands. I'll check some recent BBC Musics tonight to see if there are others advertising.
Mendota. I do not know but there is a very good HiFi DIY group in London called the London Live DIY HiFi Circle. Ask them. Their website is They are primarily a bunch of tube heads and some good ones at that. I know Thorston Loesch is a member. Thorston's site is and has some great articles on tubes. My favorite is one called "Some thoughts about Single Ended Valve Amplifiers." Worth the read.

Contact them or if you are in London they meet the last Thursday of the Month at the Shakespeares Head Pub, 64-68 Kingsway, London.

They meet at member's homes too.

Sounds good to me.

Sincerely, I remain
hope this info is of use.

(A)Tottenham Court Road is Londons Hi-Fi Main Area for stores although not all of them could either be called high end or sell valve(tube) equipment.It has changed over the recent past to embrace home cinema etc. but it would be a Good starting point.
(B)It would also be a good idea to obtain a copy of Hi-Fi news (and record review ).John Atkinson of stereophile was editor before he was tempted to the states. This mag. contains lot of ads. from high end suppliers. Also look out for other mags -Hi-Fi choice and Hi-Fi World.
(C)Many of the good dealers are located in either London Suburbs or university towns such as cambridge or Oxford.
