Help! Any Michell Gyro/Gyrodec/Orbe owners who live near Greensburg PA?

Hello everyone who reads Analogue posts!

I really need help from another A'gon member with a Michell Gyro, Gyrodec or Orbe (or experience of same, or other turntable assembly, plus packing/shipping tonearms) since I've just purchased an early vintage Gyrodec from an online seller in Greensburg PA who unfortunately has never packed a turntable for safe shipping!

I already own a Gyro SE, which I really enjoy, but this is an early Gyrodec with full perspex plinth and cover, and a Zeta tonearm, and it looks to be in good clean condition and just I could not resist for the price it was offered at!

I'm near Boston MA and driving 500+ miles each way isn't possible right now, so I thought I would reach out to the Audiogon community and see if anyone can help or can recommend an area audio store they would entrust with packing and shipping something like a Gyrodec.

I am happy to pay for your local mileage, packing materials, time, and shipping of course.. Gyrodecs are really rare here, and I just want to make sure everything arrives in one piece, which I really think is unlikely if this seller packs the 'table and arm for shipping without any specialized knowledge.

I am the owner of Record Genie Ultrasonic Record Cleaning, so if you are someone in the Greensburg PA area who is able to help me out, you might prefer that I give you a rather generous amount of free record cleaning in return for your help!

Thanks in advance!
Dave Burton   
Hi folkfreak,

Thanks for your excellent suggestions and links!

I actually have a Gyro SE, so I am familiar with it all coming apart and putting it together again. I had also read the excellent notes on Angelfire. I have a foam lined box for an Alphason tone arm, so could use that for shipping the Zeta.

I think the bigger issue is going to be dealing with a seller who has never packed a turntable for safe shipping, so I'm not sure how they'll do with dismantling a Gyrodec, or even just removing a valuable tone arm without damaging anything.. Might be a bit daunting, we'll have to see..

I did email the Michell US importer Artech for suggestions and to ask if they have factory cartons and packing for Gyrodecs, but they only have boxes for the Gyro SE at $85 plus shipping, and I have the factory box my SE came in anyway. Artech suggested dismantling the Gyrodec and putting all the components in a Gyro SE box, and shipping the acrylic base and cover separately in another carton, it would be fine if properly taped up and well padded with foam.

All of that made me think the easiest way would be get some competent help locally to Greensburg PA if at all possible. I'm really hoping that someone could pick up the Gyrodec complete from the seller and then carefully take it apart and ship it to me. I would be happy to compensate anyone with experience who can help, ideally with a generous amount of free ultrasonic record cleaning!

You are in luck. The Gyordec and all of its variants is very easy to ship as it can be fully broken down. As a former owner of an Gyro and an Orbe I've moved them across country and from the UK to the US (albeit all in the original box I have to say) .

The links below give details on assembling a Gyro -- simply reverse to break it down. Then have your seller pack each part independently. The hardest will be the plinth and the cover, perhaps have those shipped in a separate box, or at the least have foam or similar cut to fill them out. All the other parts are pretty easy to pack independently.

What I cannot speak to is the arm. Ideally remove the arm and pack it in something like a separate hard shell case (link for a good one that should be the right size below), if they do not feel comfortable removing it then you have the issue of a) securing it to the sub platter so it does not move and b) packing the awkward combination. I'd have them remove it if at all possible -- I always shipped mine with the arm on but again it was in the original packaging

Assembly details (for a spider so the original is a bit different but should give you an idea, also the details of the springs in an early Gyro may if I recall be different)

Ideal packing for a 9-10" tonearm (Nanuk 910 hard case)