Help/advice, upgrading my Schiit Mani

Hi you'll!

I recently opened a discussion about upgrading my vintage receiver and lots of members were super helpful ( I got a Rogue Tempest II). Now I need to upgrade my Preamplifier (Schiit Mani). 

My current setup;
- Schiit Sol (turntable)
- Sumiko Moonstone (Cartridge)
- Schiit Mani (preamp)- Rogue Tempest II Super Magnum (amplifier)
- Klipsch Lascala Bob Crites upgraded (speaker)

I did some research here in Audiogon, and I couldn't find something that caught my attention. Lot's of people mentioned Schiit Mani as a suggestion (nothing wrong with that), but I feel more inclined to get a Tube preamp since I have a tube amplifier. What you guys think about Pro-ject Tube box DS or Rogue Metis are those worth it? I read some of those tube preamp are "hybrid". Not quite sure if that's a good thing? As it right now my budget is $500ish... I don't mind get used gear as long as the previous owner took care of it.

Thanks in advance!

