Help/Advice Choosing SS integrated

I'm looking to find a solid state integrated to mate with my LSA Design Signature standmounts- (ribbon tweeter, 6 1/2" driver).
I have been looking at at Creek Destiny, Naim XS, Vincent MK 236-MKll, and Primaire 130. I favor a bit more "forward" sound, with detail/flesh, but not dry. My listening is eclectic, jazz, classical piano, Beatles, etc. (no head-banger stuff!).
Any advice from you would be very helpful.
Thanks, Conrad
I've owned both the Jungson JA88C and JA88D, and their sound matches your description. They are competitive with most of the integrateds mentioned above, and are a fraction of the cost ($400-$800). Only downside is size and heat (JA88D). If your speakers are not too difficult to drive, the Auranote 'all-in-one' also fits your description. I am happy with the Auranote driving a pair of Duevel Planets.
Thank you all for your thoughts - some very good leads here, which I will persue.
Has anyone seen the April's Issue of Stereophile about the Vincent Audio Tubeline sv-236mk The reviewer, Michael Fremer said..."Go head and compare it against any integrated or combo pre-amp and amp.. AT ANY PRICE"! Call this number for more 1-866-984-0677
The new Linn Majik is an oft over-looked amplifier. It fits your needs based on the description above.
