Help adding Vcaps to Jolida JD100 CD player


I've soldered and done basic stuff like that, and have a basic understanding of electronics. What I would like to do is to add V-caps to a Jolida JD100 CD player. What would I need to buy, and what would I need to remove/add to do this modification? If someone could post instructions, it would help me, and probably others with this excellent CD player! Thanks.

- Tony

Showing 1 response by milindks


I currently own Jolida Modified by Parts Connection .. actually not a lot difference between Stock and modified but the tubes and PC changes the sound a lot (for good).

Other point is the previously I tried modifying Samsung DVD player .. initially I thought I did a great job but over the period I realized actually modification made it worst. If you are good at doing DIY and you know what are you doing please go ahead with the modification otherwise I will advice not to do it .. and spend that money on better tubes and PC.

Hope this helps.

