Help adding Vcaps to Jolida JD100 CD player


I've soldered and done basic stuff like that, and have a basic understanding of electronics. What I would like to do is to add V-caps to a Jolida JD100 CD player. What would I need to buy, and what would I need to remove/add to do this modification? If someone could post instructions, it would help me, and probably others with this excellent CD player! Thanks.

- Tony

Showing 2 responses by jeffreybehr

I'm with Raul, here. That player may be 'optimized', but it's definitely to a price point. I don't know what this Jolida CDP retails for, but including LOTS-better caps could easily increase its retail price by several-hundred dollars.

Capacitors in both coupling and powersupply positions definitely have a sonic character, and all that character is distortion. I've read for decades that caps, of all the 'passive' components--caps, resistors, diodes, inductors--we use, are the most characterful, and that's no compliment.

But this should't be done indiscriminately. Thwang, getting a schematic diagram is the FIRST and very-important step to this process. You'll also be able to identify the resistors in series with the signal that could be replaced and also the decoupling caps that could be upgraded, the first 3 things I consider for replacing. GET THAT schematic! :-)

Of course, you could just trace the analog circuitry and identify the couplers and their load resistors.

BTW, choose caps carefully--this process can be VERY expensive.