Help a newbie on an entry two-channel system

Greetings! This is my first post and I very much appreciate any suggestions you can offer for assembling an entry level system for a budget of $2,000 - $2,500.

I listen exclusively to classical music (i.e. from J.S. Bach's cello suites to Scriabin's piano sonatas). Genres include piano, violin, chamber, and orchestral works, in that order of preference. I do not touch opera.

My music collection is mostly CD's, SACD's and DVD-A's, including quite a bit of mono/historical and/or live performances. Tape hiss and other backgroud noise do not bother me that much. I hope with this system I may have a chance to enjoy better reproduction of tone colors of piano/violin solo, and modest sound stage reproduction of chamber/orchestra works.

I currently have a 10-year old stereo system consisting of a Denon single disk CD player, a Denon receiver (40 wpc) and a pair of RA Labs bookself speakers (roughly $600 retail). I also listen to music on my desktop PC using a Sennheiser PX200 headset.

I intend to set up this systme in a room of about 14ft by 10ft, with an 8.5 ft ceiling and carpeted floor, and without much clutter.

I am thinking of three major components (all used of course): a. a single disc stereo CD player (forget about SACD source for the time being), b. a solid state integrated amplifier, and c. a pair of monitors on stands.

What do you say?
If I were looking I would put these on my list

(You asked about SS integrated so that's what I will list)

Creek-makes musical low priced SS integrateds, I think there are a couple for sale here on Agon (none mine).
Jolida makes a SS and a hybrid
A used Exposure 2010 if you can find one.

Jolida JD 100
Onix XCD-99
Rega Appollo
used Arcam CD 23,Rega Jupiter

Epos EL3
Triangle Titus or Comete (ES seies only if used with SS amp)
B&W 601s3, 602s3

Save yourself some money for good interconnects, power cords and speaker cables. I have had good luck purchasing used. This would be less risky on the amp than with CD player or speakers. There are others out there but the above list comes to mind.

I would take a look for one of the Blue Circle integrated's and the Green Mountain Audio Europa's. Many CDP's mentioned above.
How about a Rotel RB1080 power amp--RC1070 pre amp combo, $700 to 800 used. ACI Saphires,again $700 to 800 used. This leaves you $400 to 1100 to play with.
What TweekGeek said! (He said it very WELL, imo.)

Might want to consider the offerings from Klaus Bunge in the Odyssey line in addition to the other excellent suggestions offered.
Our guy asked about 3 pieces (int. amp ss, cd player and monitor speakers, maxed out at $2500. I would try to save 4-5 hundred bucks for some decent cabling and p. cords. So you have roughly 700 bucks to spend per component. Right?

I totally agree with the poster who says it is best to listen and buy what pleases your ears. But if you live in an area that makes that difficult and/or you don't have the time to commit and feel you have to rely on advice/reviews etc. to make a decision, here is a shortcut:
Blue Circle int. amp 21? ($800-1000) is a champ. IF you can find used but you may have to skimp elsewhere. But it would probably be a flagship piece you could live with for years. The Jolida CD player ($600-700 used)would allow you to change your sound by some tube rolling. You can't go wrong with these two coices but you have not much left for speakers and cabeling. Go with these two and either live with your current speakers of maybe pick up a pair of Epos M5s ($350 or so) and trade up later. For cabeling call Frank at signal cable and get his entry level PCs, speaker cable and interconnects. You should be very near budget if you follow this plan.

In the range of these components you can try a piece if you buy used and sell it later for roughly what you have in it and try something else. Lots of choices. Good luck and good listening!