Help a complete vidio idiot

I have a reasonable audio system I am fond of but have decided to get a home theater for the kids. I plan on a used crt projector (I have knowledgable friends who will help set it up. I am reasonabley computer literate and am leaning towards a pc rather than a dvd but would value opinions. I am also interested in thoughts of reciever vs separates and any brand suggestions. Finally speaker thoughts. I would like to keep the spend around 2-3000 on the reciever/separates and near the same on the speakers (including subwoofer(s)). This may be asking to much but you guys have always had great ideas before. Don't care if it is used or new. I by the way will not be moving to the darkside, just want to do something for the kids. Thanks as always


Showing 2 responses by scottht

I would recommend used equipment right here at Audiogon. The only thing I will say though is I have found LATLEY that the feedback on individuals is not always safe. I have built 3 systems in the last 4 or 5 years directly from this site. I have had some problems in the past with transactions gone bad. I am not sure what is happening to this site but, it is certainly becoming a concern of mine. I think that used equipment is the only way to go in terms of getting the most from your dollar. Never go to anyplace like Best Buy or Circuit shitty. Let someone else take the hit of paying top dollar and you get it later for about half price. But, I think you really have to pay attention to who the seller is and maybe ask a few questions to previous buyers. Make sure the previous buyer and seller aren't homeys. I don't understand why AG has a problem with people exposing bad sellers on this site. They certainly don't have a problem letting people post negative feedback with out validation. If someone can just go and leave negative feedback on another person without validation, then why can't we just go ahead and post bad sellers and bad buyers in the forums?
Almost forgot. The most overlooked and possibly the most important. The room itself. You could easily spend several thousand dollars on equipment and if your room is not right, you might has well bought a Kenwood Home Theater in a box set up. Do your homework if you are serious. If you are just going to throw together a system for the kids in a exsisting living room or something like that, then don't worry about it too much.