Help a complete vidio idiot

I have a reasonable audio system I am fond of but have decided to get a home theater for the kids. I plan on a used crt projector (I have knowledgable friends who will help set it up. I am reasonabley computer literate and am leaning towards a pc rather than a dvd but would value opinions. I am also interested in thoughts of reciever vs separates and any brand suggestions. Finally speaker thoughts. I would like to keep the spend around 2-3000 on the reciever/separates and near the same on the speakers (including subwoofer(s)). This may be asking to much but you guys have always had great ideas before. Don't care if it is used or new. I by the way will not be moving to the darkside, just want to do something for the kids. Thanks as always


Showing 2 responses by gajgmusic

Thanks very much everyone for your comments. I can see this is going to be complicated
dear newbie

thanks for the info. I am just starting to figure this out. I am trying to figure out if I should keep this as simple as possible or go slightly more high end. It really is for the kids but I may end up liking it too (hard to know). Outlaw seems to have very good reviews. I thought about the separtates to get some more power and options.
