
I have mcintosh pre-amp 275 with Martin Logan montis speakers need help setting up.
I actually figured out all the cables and I’m waiting for tomorrow to actually rock. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have a system like this. These Martin Logan Montis speakers are unbelievable. I’ve heard live music all over the world. This McIntosh and Martin Logan Montis system is like starting all over
I have to reconfigure my living area for this stereo system. I was thinking about selling everything, the problem is now I’ve listened to the system and now I can’t sell it. I’ve never heard music more perfect. 
John, it sounds like you’ve got some terrific gear and it’s great that you are really enjoying it and seeking advice on how to improve the experience. But, you might want to lay off on comments like your "Thanks for nothing." Pretty sure it’s gonna turn off a lot of folks who would normally be happy to help. When you thank people for nothing, that's exactly what you're going to get.