Hello from Hapa Audio: Breathe C Cable tour

Hey there Agon. I wanted to introduce myself and my company. Many of you may know me better as 'Pez' from Audiocircle. I did RMAF show coverage for years. I started a forum at Audiocircle last year and have been enjoying my time there making cabling. One of the thing I enjoy doing is sending out my products on tour. 

To date, my most popular product tour was for my Breathe C cable. Breathe C is incredibly neutral sounding cable with great dynamics and detail. https//www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=174850.0 Folks at AC really enjoyed them, take a look at the link to get some impressions.

Here are some thoughts from a few tour members from Audiocircle:

"If you are looking for a reference quality cable... I would highly recommend that you give Hapa Audio Breathe C or their other versions a try" -Wig

"I simply was not expecting what I heard. I was blown away." -Jackmonster

"It was like rediscovering my entire collection again." -nlitworld

I wanted to see if the folks here would be interested in doing a tour of Breathe C. I will be giving away one pair of interconnects to one of the participants of the tour and another set to a randomly selected member who posts to this thread.

If you are interested in joining the tour click on this link: https://forms.clickup.com/f/80txj-210/C5Q6S87IAC6538TBD9 I will be sending out a 1 meter and 1.5 meter set of the Breathe C cables for folks to evaluate in their system. Depending on how many folks sign up, I might split the tour between east coast and west coast. I'm looking forward to this tour! Thank you all for your interest! 

Hey folks, I accidentally caused the system to flag this post and suspend my account! The good folks at A'gon helped me out. rest assured, I asked for and received permission for this tour from the staff prior to posting. All that said, I wanted to let you know the form is available and I am accepting tour members! on Audiocircle we got 12 tour members for the tour! Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions. 
Had a few folks inquire about the tour. Indeed! We will be giving away a set to one of the tour members via random selection. 

We will also have a give away to anyone who posts anything at all to this thread! All you need to do to enter is post!  We have slots still available so get in while you can. 
I am about two days in on a Hapa audition and the interconnects are a real treat. I would certainly reach out to Jason. 
HAPA, I am always interested in trying out some new cables. Very interesting to read about under and over damping of cables, and the design and use of " Angel Hair " Litz cables. My understanding is that most of the better designed cables use Litz configurations. Good luck with your endeavors. MrD.