Held up in customs

I just purchased a CD player from a gentleman in Vancouver and had it shipped UPS Expedited 2 day. When the package got to the states it was placed on customs hold. When I spoke to someone at UPS they said it would take at least a couple of days and customs could do whatever they wanted to the package or simply keep it. I'm wondering if anyone out there has had any experiences with the Customs Service or FDA in regards to international shipments.

Showing 1 response by take_five_audio


I would bet that the individual who sent the unit from Vancouver did not send it along with the proper form that must accompany laser devices. If this form is not supplied in triplicate along with the statement of origin delays can occur at customs. It is important to make sure the person sending you the item is aware of what is required by customs in the way of paperwork. This is not always the case when dealing with someone who rarely or never ships internationally.
