hegel h80 or rotel 1570

Sorry for any confusion.But could I get some feedback on whether to go for the Hegel h80 or the
Rotel ra 1570 integrated amps for the same money. To drive a pair of Tannoy xt6f’s ?
 If this is confusing in any way I apologize. I'm sleep deprived and have chronic pain. Music seems to help.
So any help regarding the amps would really be greatly appreciated .
             Thank you all so much. Music is a godsend . 

Showing 1 response by melbguyone

You might like to check out an Australian company, Redgum Audio which makes some very well made & musical sounding integrated amplifiers. I got to hear their products at the recent Australian International Hifi show in Melbourne & was impressed. They punch well above their weight and sound much better than they have any right to at their price point. And best of all, with the low Aussie dollar against the USD, US pricing should be competitive. According to their website, there is a US Distributor also - https://www.redgumaudio.com/ Just thought i’d throw that in!