I have the time to wait to hear the Hegel 590. The dealer said the Magico A3s are backordered and will take 3 or more months to be available.
Thanks, denon1. You expressed my concerns about the Vitus. The dealer also suggested the Luxman 509x. However, I don't think it's in the same league as the Hegel or Constellation and may also suffer as to resale value.
I heard the 3As with the T+A integrated. It's an excellent combination, but exceeds my budget.
Thanks, soix and respected. As to SQ, I want a very clear mid-range, not "warm" or "relaxed" which may be euphemisms for less than tight and clear. However, not so "bright" or "analytical" which often leads quickly to listening fatigue. The A3s sounded about right to me and had a very good bottom end, much better than the Harbeth 40.1s that I heard immediately before the A3s (also with the T+A amp). I am hoping to find an amp that complements the A3s in my price range of under $13,500. |
Melboneguy - I appreciate you input even if the Vitus is way beyond my budget. I am interested in your thoughts about Gryphon, which the dealer also recommended. Maybe you can send me a pm as well? |
soix - Thanks. The
T+A PA3000HV is a good suggestion, although a quick Google search shows the price may be more than $10,995. The Cable Co. lists it for $19,500. Also, it seems that T+A has more recently released the T+A PA3100HV with an upgraded preamp section and meters on the face. This is the amp I heard with the A3s. Of course that's even more money! |
Thanks again, soix. I will check out the T+A demo and hopefully the Lyngdorf (if I can find a nearby dealer). You are absolutely correct in saying the best way to evaluate would be to do an in home demo or at least go listen to the A3s and amp together at a dealer. However, as you know it's very hard to find a dealer that carries the A3s and the various amps under discussion.
Interesting that nobody has commented yet on the Constellation Inspiration Integrated. |
The T+A 3000 looks looks a real winner! I wish I had the budget for the 3100, but the 3000 has the same power and great reviews. I have already heard and liked the A3s with the 3100. If the sound is similar, the T+A 3000 may be the answer. I am hoping that audiotroy's answer to denon1's question is that the differences in SQ are not significant. |
Thanks, guys. I am going to try to get a deal on the T+A 3100 or 3000. It's really a shame that I will not have an opportunity to hear the A3s with the Hegel H360 or 590. Same for the new as yet unreleased Belles Virtuoso, which gets lots of love on this forum. |
@ricred1 . I could not agree more. I did have an opportunity to hear the T+A 3100 with the A3s and I liked what I heard. I am sure that the dealer's listening room was a much better environment to hear the setup than any audio show. However, it's frustrating that I am making significant financial decisions based on the few combinations that are available at the same dealer(s). |
Oh no! I need to backtrack. I spoke to the dealer, who insists that I also listen to the Gryphon Diablo 300 (which he says has an even better bottom end than the T+A 3100) and the Luxman 509 before I decide. He also carries Ayre, Bryston and Pass, but does not have them available for a demo. He did not suggest these other amps - I am just trying to get an excellent amp for the A3s in my price range. I will not be available to hear the amps for almost a month because of travel plans. However, I ordered the A3s because there is a backlog and Magico is estimating delivery in Q1 2019 based on orders submitted now. I don't want to wait any longer for my new system! |
In the July/August issue of the absolute sound, page 46, the column regarding the most significant introductions at Axpona 2018 states that the price of the Vitus RI-101 is US$18,360. The SCD-025mk.II CD player is US$25,200. |
Any thoughts regarding the Gryphon Diablo 120? It's less expensive than the Diablo 300, seems like it would have sufficient power for the Magico A3s and is in my price range. |
Thanks, htan8744. I saw the demo Constellation Inspiration amp and pre-amp on the Audio Advisor website and was very tempted, However, the combination still is beyond my budget. I spoke today to the dealer and when I visit we are going to demo the Constellation Inspiration amp and pre-amp so I can hopefully get an idea of how the integrated will sound (he does not have the integrated), the Gryphon Diablo 120 and the Luxman 509. You and others are consistent in saying that these amps are better than the Hegel, although the Hegel 360 is much lower in price. The other interesting suggestions include the Audia Flight FLS 10 and the Vitus RI-101, although both seem out of my price range and I cannot locate any nearby dealers. |
@Jackd. I'm on the East Coast. I had heard of the Aesthetix Mimas integrated before your post. I have a problem with the heat generated by tube equipment because it must go inside a console without a lot of ventilation, so the Aesthetix probably will not work for me. However, I bet it's a damn good amp. I have always liked Aesthetix amps and preamps.
I will keep looking for an Audia dealer on the East Coast. |
Thanks, jackd. I will be in Boston on business for several days next week and will try to visit the audio shop.
@smer319. I agree. Unfortunately, the demo 3100 still is beyond my price range. I will consider the 3000. Thank you for your post and offer.
I was concerned about the demo T+A 3000. Good price, but no factory warranty. Pass.... |
@soix Yes, but T+A does not agree.
@steve59. @steve59. Thanks for your comment about the DAC. I would really like to hear the H590 to compare with the other integrated amps. |
@jackd Unfortunately, AI had to cancel my trip to Boston. Maybe I can reschedule sometime soon.
I agree with the value proposition of a used Hegel 360. At $12k, the Hegel 590 is more than the Gryphon Diablo 120 and Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0. However, I would love to do a side by side comparison.... |
Very funny! As events would have it, I purchased a Gryphon Diablo 120 from Suncoast Audio. Mike has been great! |