Hegel H360 or H590 or Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 for Magico A3

I recently heard the Magico A3s and really liked them. The dealer said they are often combined with the Constellation Inspiration Integrated 1.0 at shows. After a lot of searching on Google, I can't find any pictures or reference to this combination. However, I did find a number of references to the A3s being combined with Hegel amps, including by Alon Wolf who said it would be a very good combination and led the author of the article to speculate that the A3s may have been "voiced" by Magici using the Hegel H360. I have not yet been able to listen to the A3s with either the Hegel H360 or H590 or the Constellation amp. I would be interested in everyone's thoughts as to the best integrated amplifier for the A3s for $13,500 (the price of the Constellation amp) or less.

Showing 1 response by danzspkrman

We are running Wyred 4 Sound Separates (STP-Pre, SX 1000's) with great results for the A3. Outstanding IMHO. Try their STi Series integrated. Well above what it should be. Big enough to drive anything, detailed enough to get the best out of so much good gear like the A3. 10k will buy ALOT of records. If you must spend more, then my vote is for Hegel, and Constellation. I have heard the T+A as well with Wilson speakers, not cheap, but nice. Best part, get into the A3, and you would be hard pressed to find a more revealing, flexible speaker for under 30K. There are bigger, but none nicer for many small to medium rooms. The only thing even close is the Wilson Sabrina or Vandersteen Quatro CT, IMHO. The KEF Reference 3 are pretty nice too, just very different. Careful matching is everything here. At this price point, spend the time it takes to find YOUR match.