Hegel Amplifiers

Tried asking this on various forums, but did not get enough information. If anyone visited the recent audio fests and have listened to Hegel amps - especially the H20 - please describe how you found the sound of the Hegel amps. Any comparison? This is one amp I have shortlisted besides the Parasound A21. Also considering Classe 2200. Did not hear any particular one.
Any feedback is appreciated.
I'm very interested in hearing Talk2me's thoughts on the Hegel H30 amp, since he's had many of the best amps available to compare it to including the Burmester!
Sorry to report the seller of the Hegel H30 was a fraud. Had to do a cc charge back.
Was this the H30 that was offered for $9k? If so I was also interested but the seller did not offer Paypal accepted in the listing, yet asked buyer to cover Paypal fee in the narrative description. Maybe you should give some feedback to this seller to warn other buyers.
I found a equal amp to the H30. I mean in all seriousness, it is, IMHO, the find of the century. It is the 600 wpc (4 ohm) Magnus CA-300 and 160 lbs!. I also tried the Magnus CA-200, but it was too "tubey" sounding with my ModWright Oppo 105.