Heavy duty amp stand, Sonic benefits?

Does an amplifier benefit from a sturdy well-built amplifier rack?

I'm trying to decide whether to buy a new amplifier rack. The one I have is kind of a light weight material made of plastic composite. I am looking at one rack that was made of steel and weighs about 100 pounds, name of the company is sound anchor. Looks like a nicely made amp.

I'm wondering how an amplifier benefits from resting on a Quality built rack or does it really matter?


Showing 4 responses by mahlman

@emergingsoul   Please do not take me seriously. I responded to this topic because I think your stand makes no difference at all and I was being flippant. At times I find questions here are either off the wall strange, see how much I spend braggadocio or troll bait and I don't quite know if you are seriously asking or just having fun waiting for results from your "post"

100% YES is the answer. Those cheap stands will vibrate whenever your high end system is providing sublime pure sound. This induces capacitor jitter which degrades sound as vibration effects capacitor output. For those of us smart enough to have all tube systems the same can be said for the induced filament vibrations which also effect output. I use poured concrete stands and then have special isolation feet beneath the stand and each piece of gear. I only do this in a room with a concrete floor and the outstanding results speak for themselves.

@widmerpool 😂 I know you are right it just baffles me how people who have piles of money are so often gullible and easily led when it comes to audio .

@pindac I have to admit you have elevated this thread into the silly stratosphere.

"Densified Wood as a material does seem to be a material that is ubiquitous, where it properties will be exposed for their Value in all environments used. D'wood will produce a noticeable impact on a sonic in all environments used.  "

I don't know what all that gibberish means but here are two thoughts. A, you are also a proponent of "Precious Pebbles" and the " Telepathic Tweak" or B you intend to sell something to the rubes and are busy dazzling them with non verifiable unprovable BS.