Heart vs the Head / Irrational Audio Compulsions?

Before I got into serious audio (magazines, separates, spikes, cables, green marker pens etc) I used to predominantly go by looks to make my purchasing decisions.

I remember being totally enthralled by the LCD meters as featured on some tape decks (Sony?) back in the 1980s.

Of course I’m way past such whimsy now.

Or am I?


Having finally seen and heard one of the skeletal Rega decks in action (Planar 8 or 10) it now often comes back into my thoughts.

It not only sounded very impressive (tape like) but looked so different and strange that suddenly it went from ugly to compellingly desirable in a very short space of time.

All of a sudden my previously trusty rationality seemed to go missing in action.

Now I’m left wondering whether the Technics decks are really better after all.

Or even if it really matters.


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