Hearing Aids

Well Folks, I had to bite the bullet and get a pair. Went to an audiologist and the result is moderate hearing loss with tinnitus. I had already read some discussions here and researched other places as well and settled on a pair of Widex Moment 440's. I've had them in for 5 hours now and the clarity they provide with speech is astounding. Just got home and starting to listen to a wide variety of music. They have a "music" mode that is definitely more natural sounding than the other modes. I think it's going to take me a while to get used to hearing frequencies/sounds I was missing but these do have the ability to tweak a bit so I'll explore that later. I am finding right away I'm listening at lower volumes and there is now a crispness to notes along with textures I didn't have before. I'll update later as I progress with these. But overall very happy I made the move.

Showing 3 responses by ratboysr

@mlg I found that as well. However I was listening to instrument-only jazz when I first ran it and it sounded terrific. But every other genre sounded absolutely terrible. Ran it again listening to some Steely Dan and that seemed much better for most music. It will be fun continuing to tweak it and see how good I can get it.
@tablejockey With the aids in the tinnitus is still there but far less prevalent. If I've had them out for a few hours the tinnitus is more noticeable again. Wish it were completely gone but I'll take the improvement.
I've tried tweaking the custom settings and I've gotten music to sound much better but I think more visits to the audiologist are in order to really squeeze all I can out of these. I have nice detail in the highs I was missing but on the custom setting if there are any ambient room noises (even from adjacent rooms) it's WAY over amplified. Like my dogs nails on the hardwood hallway floors sound like jackhammers. It's only certain sounds though. I had to get a new office chair because every little movement made a creaking sound that was explosive in my ears. Even the sound of door handles clicking shut are deafening. Weird.