Heard the B&W N804d3s ...

I've owned the original iteration of the N804s since I bought them new in '01. After 15 years, I thought perhaps it was time to upgrade to a newer model. So, I auditioned the new N804d3s at a local retailer. They sounded great, and are an improvement over the originals in the areas of bass slam and airiness. However, that step up to my ears is equivalent to about 10-15%. Not sure that that sort of improvement justifies the price ($9K for the d3s vs. $3,500 for the original N804s), although "upgradeitis" tempts me to pull the plug. Is it just me, or does the law of diminishing returns apply in this case? Your thoughts on this or the qualitiative differences between the old and new Nautilus lines would be most appreciated.


Showing 1 response by exron

I have the N802's bought new in 2004.
1. I personally feel my N802's appearance looks better than the   
    current 802's. I'm not just saying this, they really look better.
    They way those lower 8 inch drivers stick out like they do
      looks awful.
2. I really don't care what anybody says but the mid-range and highs
     on mine sound better
3. Yes, there is more bass on the current 802's but it's just too much.
     The bass on mine are lean as most people say but it is much
      tighter and I prefer a tighter bass to excessive bass any day.
       I only want bass to be reproduced when there is bass and that
       is what my N802's do. I don't want bass coming out when
       there is no bass in the music.
4.  Are the current 802's worth the extra money over the older N802's
      ??? LOL   Absolutely not.
 5.  Find an older pair of N802's or N801's in very good condition
      or better and save some major bucks. Use the savings and buy
      more music.