Heard the B&W N804d3s ...

I've owned the original iteration of the N804s since I bought them new in '01. After 15 years, I thought perhaps it was time to upgrade to a newer model. So, I auditioned the new N804d3s at a local retailer. They sounded great, and are an improvement over the originals in the areas of bass slam and airiness. However, that step up to my ears is equivalent to about 10-15%. Not sure that that sort of improvement justifies the price ($9K for the d3s vs. $3,500 for the original N804s), although "upgradeitis" tempts me to pull the plug. Is it just me, or does the law of diminishing returns apply in this case? Your thoughts on this or the qualitiative differences between the old and new Nautilus lines would be most appreciated.


Showing 5 responses by bo1972

I owned the 802N ( Which I bought brand new in 1999) and the 800S. ( Which I bought when they were only 3 months old)

But when I audtioned the 800D1, I knew I would not buy B&W again. This is based on the fact that B&W misses a few important parts which are essential for highend audio.

Stage depth and width are essential parts for highend audio. Because this brings music closer to you during listening and makes it more intense.

The 800S and the 800D1 were able to create 1 metre of depth, this is in fact a hifi stereo parameter. When we auditioned the 800D3 with the most expensive Esoteric power, pre and source ( which can create a lot of stage depth) again the stage had 1 metre of depth. They call it highend audio, but in real we are talking about hifi stereo parameters.

The 804D3 costs 9000 euro, again this is still a lot of money for a hifi stereo loudspeaker.

I have doen thousands of tests in audio. We always test each part on how much depth it can build. These are not parts based on personal preference, but based on real differences.

Denon is a 2 dimensional brand. This means it build less than 1 metre of stage depth. Even with the best speakers who are able to create stage depth.

It is very easy to compare and test. First you need to know the DNA of each single part of your system.

The paper low drivers of the 802N are extreemly slow compared to drivers of new loadspeakers. The crossovers are also very limited. The 20khz tweeter is also very limited based on technique compared to tweeters who are available these days.
Timing is a key factor to the level of acoustic problems you can get in a room. When a loudspeaker has a faster response you will have less acoustic limitations.

B&W is not the fastest and their older series are even rather slow compared to most speakers today. A subwoofer can be a good option, but again you still need a sibwoofer with a fast response. Choose always for a  sealed subwoofer.

Even when a subwoofer has it's  own roomacoustic measurment system, it is still not in phase with the front loudspeaker.

You need a system what is able to measure both speakees and subwoofer togheter. In that situation you will always be able to outperfrom any loudspeaker system for the same money without a subwoofer.

The Rhythmik L12 is a subwoofer with a driver made of paper. Paper is an outdated material these days. Beside this paper has it’s own kind of sound. It is not the most natural soud.

You should have spend more money on a subwoofer if I were you. I would buy a subwoofer with a ceramic/aluminium coating.

The old aluminium tweeters of the Nautilus line you own can sound harsh. This is based on the older technique and limited frequency range.

For a subwoofer there are other rules that counts compared to a loadspeaker. In the past I have sold many Rel subwoofers. But to be honest they are rather slow.

In 2015 we compared a few new Rel subwoofers with Monitor Audio subwoofers. These outperformed the Rel subwoofers with ease.

The problem is that Rel spends more money on paid reviews. So people think they are the best. In real they are not the best anymore.

In the last 4 years I sold many Monitor Audio subwoofers which I could use till 120hz because I can set them in phase with S.A.P.- measurement.

When you use a subwoofer who is a lot faster in response you can use it till a much higher frequency. This sets the influence of a subwoofer to a much higher level. This is only possible based on the lighter material they use.

Rel subwoofers can be used till about 80hz, when you would like to use till 120hz, you will hear that they are too slow in response. The control and grip will be gone.

Audio is not based on what you read in paid magazines, but is based on the results you get during shootouts and tests. They give you the real and True information you want and need.