Heads Up: ARC is introducing the new SP-20 in Fall

An excerpt from ARCDB web site:

"Tube stereo preamplifier.

"As a result of the ever-increasing demand for a full-function preamplifier with a level of performance substantially above that of the SP17, we are pleased to introduce the striking new SP20 vacuum-tube preamplifier. Influenced by some of our classic groundbreaking SP preamplifiers but with performance that is only achievable by our best LS- and PH-series designs, the SP20 offers inspirational performance combined with real value. ..."

MSRP is $9000 -- a veritable bargain. ;-(

Showing 4 responses by chris_launder

I own an ARC LS27 & a Ref 150 , I have over the last 40 years owned other ARC gear as well as stints owning VTL , Conrad Johnson , Threshold and other stuff . I can honestly and unbiasedly say that the current set up transports me closer to the sense of listening to music rather than components more than any other gear I have owned since starting on my quest back in 1973 with a Marantz 1060 integrated amp . Even my wife , who is not that technically inclined , gasped a big ' WOW ' when she saw the quality of workmanship in the REF 150 while I was installing the tubes . As far as I can recall , in inflation adjusted terms , the LS27 is significantly cheaper than what I paid for an SP8 back in 1983 .

As far as I am aware , the companies in the Fine Sounds group are operating totally independently so it will be interesting to see if this turns out to be the case . As for myself , I would be tempted to rationalise my Ph5 and LS27 into an SP 20 if the sonics were comaparable .

I remember back in the Golden Era of hifi that ARC used Infinity RS1's and the Infinity IRS , myself , I used to own a pair of Infinity RS2b's . Although I have no doubt that the Wilson's are a step forward I really look back with fond memories of that monthly ritual of polishing my Infinity's with teak oil and marvelling at the quality of the woodwork , those Infinity's from the late 70's to late 80's were pieces of art , methinks .
@Bifwynne , no , they were not electrostats , they were planar , emits & emims ( electromagnetic induction midrange / tweeter ) & yes , they were spectacular . The Boss' Born to Run played at high volume through a pair of RS1's was a joy to behold , but not from the neighbours' perspective .....