Headroom MAX / Sennheiser 600, what CD?

I am about to receive a Headroom MAX / Sennheiser HD600 for use in my office. I am currently using a Sony MXD-D3 CD/MD machine as my audio source, this machine is OK but not 'great'. What would be a Great CD player with excellend sound that will do the amp/headphone combo justice? Looking for something up to $1,000-$1,200, used is fine. If it looks cool, that would be nice, too :))

Showing 1 response by garfish

The Sony XA7ES CD player is available used for around $1200. and is excellent. Stereophile Class A. I used it for several years, and it truly is an excellent CDP, and is built like a tank at about 35 lbs.. Happy Hunting. Craig