Headphones vs full range speakers

I've never had any really high end headphones. I had like a $500 pair of Seinhauser earbuds for a while. I thought they sounded really good even pushing off a phone. Question is who has gone from listening to speakers for your main listening pleasure to headphones or vice versa. Can get something like the top of the line Focal Utopia headphones while pricey they are in line with "mid grade" speakers. 

I don't entertain often at all and the wife does not listen anymore. Just started thinking why not simplify and get some kick butt headphones. 


Showing 13 responses by mahgister

Headphone are useful and can be extraordinary interesting...No doubt here...

My point is only that well implemented speakers will beat them most of the times, if not always. (i dont have OMEGA stax nor the RAAL headphones to compared and to claim my point on an absolute comparison basis for sure).

If then many speakers could beat most headphones, there is a big BUT, by experience now i know that most speakers are not well implemented, electrically, mechanically and acoustically...

Then....They are limited by their bad implementation in the room and in the system...

It is the reason i think , and it is only my opinion here, why some people put them on par with speakers but different...



Why then my 7 pairs are in a drawer?

Because i own a dedicated audio room and my speakers run optimally...It is not all people who could have the luxury of a dedicated audio room...

If not for this fact, i would have prefer to use ONLY headphones...It was my goal 8 years ago to own only headphones... It take less space, dont need a dedicated room with headphones, and i like the sonic relative isolation from the world and the feeling of being elsewhere they give, i miss that sensation a lot...I dont miss the uncomfort though after some hours...😁😊

But for sure listening music is more extraordinary in S.Q. points in near listening or in regular listening in my small room...

After years of many listening experiments i end up with speakers only....

And learning enough acoustic to set my room was very hard and asked for many months of daily experiments with my near hundred homemade acoustic devices....Cost is peanuts but the hours it takes was innumerable almost...Fine tuning a room like i did ask for an incremental listening process it is nowhere like buying acoustic panels and claiming job done... 😊

i take the same pain to improve each one of my headphones before and it is there i begin to think about " embeddings controls in the three working dimensions of any audio system"...

i hope my post clarified my opinion...

i will go headphones perhaps tomorrow if i could afford any headphone superior to my speakers...it is not the case at all with my 7 pairs...

the RAAL perhaps?

I dont know and will never know...My money is restricted anyway....

The best pusher is my library online...

By the way....

If you want a book to hallucinate try Wolfgang Schad...His books about mammals..

LSD is less potent than the conscious integration of a method of seeing..

You could remember LSD visions but you cannot integrate them easily..

This book can change life and the way we see ... Schad is a disciple in zoology and morphology of Goethe training....

One of the greatest book i ever read...

Quebec Inc.

We live in a legalized drugs country....

But so called " drug" or hallucinogens are overrated over attention self controlled skills...

They are only useful to awake us, the rest is work over our attention...



I am also a complete paranoiac freak under heavy drugs who freak more right now being exposed !



you are a mystery to me.

mahgister mean teacher in latin : you may have latin langage roots.

there is a french book about Umberto Eco on your desk ( virtual system )

Bell and Alcatel-lucent equipment .

There is snow around your house. You live in northern emisphere

On your external brick wall , there is some white efflorescence.Often seen

in temperate region
Province of Quebec ( first choice ) France mountain area . Switzerland Northern Italy. ?

You should add some pictures with clues . Interesting



«I make love with speakers but i always masturbate with headphones»-Groucho Marx 🤓

Good advice! thanks...

This is probably the one headphone i will try... If i had spare money and if i was unsatisfied by my speakers system...Or if my wife order no sound at all after midnight...



Headphones with their vastly superior transient response are more lifelike, but I prefer speakers.


This was my experience BEFORE acoustical control of my room which did for my speakers transient response an improvement so great i cease to use headphone...By modifying the pressures zone distribution in my room, the transient response of my speakers increased to almost the level of my headphone...Then with the other improvement related to speakers use like a better bass response, and a better listener envelopment factor, because the sound is AROUND THE head not in the head, speakers reign over my headphones now...

My speakers sound EXACTLY like headphone sound but around my head NOT IN MY HEAD....

It is true generally that we can hear more details with headphones...

The problem with this "truth" is that this truth is an "half-truth"...

And half-truth are more deceiving than lies...


If the speakers are not well chosen and if they are not imnplemented correctly in the room acoustically electrically and mechanically, yes they will give way less details...

But it is not true for my speakers now in my actual controlled room...I have the same level of details in my listening position than with my headphones...And probably an improved way to present these details than with an headphone...


I never said that headphones were bad....

I only say that speakers WELL ACOUSTICALLY implemented in a room can beat them...

From my experience....

by the way i begin my audio journey preparing my retirement and pledging to create a headphone system more useful for many reason than my Speakers...I sold my 2 pair of dual concentric Speakers and bought headphones...

During the last 6 months i put all my headphones in the closet... COMPLETE REVERSAL of my knowledge and situation...

When i succeed to install my relatively good but low cost audio system in his rightful three dimensional embeddings controls space, i throw all my SEVEN ,dynamics, electro-acoustic,magneplanar,or hybrid headphones in a drawer for ever...

When i begun my journey with the same audio system now for years, any of my headphone was better than my speakers..

Now i prefer the same speakers on all acoustical counts...

Take yourself your conclusion...

M y own conclusion is : mechanical,electrical and especially acoustical embeddings controls are much more impactful in S.Q. than almost any upgrade of a piece of gear...

The only usefulness of headphones is listening without bothering others...

By the way the total cost of my audio system well chosen gear for sure is under 500 bucks... I had been lucky... it will cost me over one thousand now...( i dont count here the price of my main 7 or even 9 headphones if i add them all)



By the way i modified all my headphones with success, increasing their S.Q. with modifications in the shell room cups from damping technique and decreasing also the vibrations of the cups through the headband etc ...

it is there in this "tweaking" process i discovered the destructive power of vibrations, cross talk, and benefit of  ACOUSTIC science....

If you want to know why speakers are POTENTIALLY  better than most headphones if someone learn how to install them  it is simple... It is small room acoustic control the key....