Headphone cable, what do you do?

I hope it is not just me but none of the headphones I have owned over last few years have long enough cable to reach from my headphone amp to my normal listening, lounging seat.

At present I have been using a fairly cheap 20ft extension cable I purchased off eBay but upon reflection could this be degrading the sq?

Surely I am not the only one in this situation so my question is what do you do? Your solution?

Showing 1 response by sevs

In this same situation (and believing, without ever conducting blind/ABX tests on the matter, that extra connector for an extension cord degrades the sound) I bought 15ft cord from www.stefanaudioart.com
Woo Audio 3 with NOS Mullard tubes and Senn 650 were at the ends of this cord. Sold the whole rig a few years later, remember I was surprised that resale value for the cord was very decent