@uberwaltz Probably. One cannot say for sure because the only way for you to know is to test it out for yourself.
I have the Focal Utopia headphones and was one of the early adopters and at that time Focal included a 4M stock cable. The US customers howled and now (at least for the US market) a 3M cord is included. The Europeans (and I’m guessing others as well) prefer longer stock or custom lengths. I fall within this group, because I can also watch TV or movies via my headphones, should I want a different experience or I need to be quiet due to family reasons.
I have a 3M DanaCables Lazuli Reference cord that I wish was 4 meters at times.
My recommendation is to purchase a quality leash and not use an extension. It can always be reterminated, should you move to another connector set for a future headphone. As always, frustrations pile up when one needs that extra foot or more. Go long. : )
I have the Focal Utopia headphones and was one of the early adopters and at that time Focal included a 4M stock cable. The US customers howled and now (at least for the US market) a 3M cord is included. The Europeans (and I’m guessing others as well) prefer longer stock or custom lengths. I fall within this group, because I can also watch TV or movies via my headphones, should I want a different experience or I need to be quiet due to family reasons.
I have a 3M DanaCables Lazuli Reference cord that I wish was 4 meters at times.
My recommendation is to purchase a quality leash and not use an extension. It can always be reterminated, should you move to another connector set for a future headphone. As always, frustrations pile up when one needs that extra foot or more. Go long. : )