Headphone amplification

Hi everyone,
I own a pair of Grado RS-1 along with an Antique Sound lab MG-Head tube amplifier. Has anyone compared the Antique Sound lab amp to other headphone amplifier... I'm thinking of maybe upgrading to something else... Also, any comments on the MG-Head? I would like to compare opinions...

Best Regards
Who in the US, or specifically, in the San Francisco Bay area, carries Sugden? I'm very interested.
Also, if the above mentioned are a little to pricey, check out the excellent Wheatfield headphone amps.

I own an HA-1 (w/Senn. HD600's) and love it! All tube, PILLIOD transformer, built like a tank.

Around $530.

Here's a link to a review; http://www.northcoastweb.com/david/wheatfield/home.htm

can be purchased through "Headroom's" wb site (see under manufacture's list ander "H").

Good luck!
I agree with lightbloom. I heard the EarMax OTL headphone amp at the Stereophile show last year. I heard them with Senheiser headphones. This combo sounded great