Headphone amp to replicate Quad
Hi everybody,
I have question. Would anyone have a suggestion how to replicate, in a headphone amp, the sound of a Quad 99 amp, Quad 11L speakers combo? I LOVE this sound, and my current headphones, headphone amp set, sounds watery and unengaged by comparison I think. I have a Rega Ear headphone amp, and Sennhesier HD650 headphones. I would like to work with the headphone amp, more than with the headphones. Would prefer to keep these. Thanks a lot! (More than an audiophile, I think I am more of a Quadiphile).
--- My complete regular system consists of a Quad 99 CDplayer, Yamaha TX-497 tuner, Conrad Johnson PF-R preamp, Quad 99 amp, and 11L Quad monitors.