Headphone/Amp Combo for under $800

Hi All,

Headphone newbie here. I've bought a lot of hi-end audio equipment over the years, but never a set of phones. I'm looking for a neutral (free from boosted bass/treble) sounding headphone/amp combo for use mainly with music, and some TV. I listen to a vareity of music, including singer/songwriter, folk, rock, classical, acoustic, and jazz. I am willing to spend about $800 or so (maybe a bit more) for the combination. The amp will be fed from the line-out from a Tact RCS 2.2XP preamp (it doesn't have a tape-out) or possibly a digital out if the headphone amp has a D/A converter.

I've done a bunch of research, but is quite daunting and I don't have anywhere nearby to audition them. I don't know a lot about the different amps around and what are good headphone/amp combinations so thought I'd solicit opinions here. I definitely prefer a more neutral sound free from artificial bass spikes or elevated treble, which I find very fatiguing. I also would like a nice soundstage, and maybe and a mid-level presentation (not too forward or distant). I think I'd prefer around-the ear over on-the-ear phones, but am open to open or closed back. I am open to all the usual headphone suspects including Sennheiser, AKG, Audio Technica, Grado, Beyer, etc.

I would appreciate any feedback on headphone/amp combos that might qualify for the price point.

Thanks much in advance!

Showing 2 responses by jax2

If it is neutral you are after then the HD600's will come closer than the HD650's. The latter emphasize bass a bit more and dip in the treble more than the 600's, and all of that is quite audible. I personally found them damned boring cans mayself, but they are certainly on the neutral side. I listen to all of the material you list and would recommend a more lively can. None that I've tried (and I have tried a few) do absolutely everything right, so you may want to set your priorities among the music you do listen to, as well as the qualities you value from a headphone (bass, treble, soundstage, vocals, etc.). Grado's are not neutral cans, but they certainly can be very enjoyable. If you do enjoy a lot of rock, their RS-1 or HF-2 (I think the latter is only available to Head-fi members from TTVJ.com) might be very fun choices...but not neutral. If you stress the vocals, classical, acoustic thing, I might suggest ATH-W5000, which is a rather warm can as I recall, and is also of the few closed cans that do a very nice job at some sacrifice to soundstaging (a bit overrated on headphones IMO). Choose the amp according to the headphones, just as you would for speakers. My .02 Lincolns on the AKG702 - on three different amps they just did not occur to me to give the music the weight that seems more true - they sounded a bit thin, and are very picky about amplification. They are definitely a lighter, airier sound than the Sennheisers recommended here.
Andrew- I have no experience with either of the cans you mention. I'm a reluctant headphone user (much prefer speakers) and use them only when my wife requires quiet. Over the past ten years in using cans I've probably gone through as many different headphones, so compared to those who've embraced that hobby with more enthusiasm, my experience is limited. Which is why I'm suggesting you check on Head-fi. In spite of the highly elevated noise ratio, there are still a few folks there who come from a solid base of experience (though, alas, they seem fewer and further between than say, five years ago). If your budget were higher I'd point you to two of my favorites: HD800's and LCD-2's (very different from each other, and the HD800 is like no other Senn can), the latter of which I currently own and enjoy, and the former is what I owned before that. The LCD-2 frequency response is desert-flat up to 1K, and then gets shelved down about 10db and extends out to 20K (so a rather unique response). Other than the slightly recessed treble, they occur to me as very neutral cans. If you are way into soundstage and treble, the HD800's might be your cup'O'joe. My complaint about them is the soundstage can almost be a bit disorienting at times, and the treble spike tends to emphasize sibilance more than I'd like. Still, they are outstanding cans. I don't think there is a perfect headphone that does everything perfectly. One sleeper can that you may be able to find on the used market at a decent price, is Sony's MDR-CD3000 (not to be confused with the other 3000 models). I thought that was a very nice pair of headphones that was enjoyable to listen to most material through. I used them with a Berning Micro-ZOTL amp, which paired off really well and is a great amp with the right cans. They seem to be harder to come by these days though, and prices have gone up on them.