Headphone/Amp Combo for under $800

Hi All,

Headphone newbie here. I've bought a lot of hi-end audio equipment over the years, but never a set of phones. I'm looking for a neutral (free from boosted bass/treble) sounding headphone/amp combo for use mainly with music, and some TV. I listen to a vareity of music, including singer/songwriter, folk, rock, classical, acoustic, and jazz. I am willing to spend about $800 or so (maybe a bit more) for the combination. The amp will be fed from the line-out from a Tact RCS 2.2XP preamp (it doesn't have a tape-out) or possibly a digital out if the headphone amp has a D/A converter.

I've done a bunch of research, but is quite daunting and I don't have anywhere nearby to audition them. I don't know a lot about the different amps around and what are good headphone/amp combinations so thought I'd solicit opinions here. I definitely prefer a more neutral sound free from artificial bass spikes or elevated treble, which I find very fatiguing. I also would like a nice soundstage, and maybe and a mid-level presentation (not too forward or distant). I think I'd prefer around-the ear over on-the-ear phones, but am open to open or closed back. I am open to all the usual headphone suspects including Sennheiser, AKG, Audio Technica, Grado, Beyer, etc.

I would appreciate any feedback on headphone/amp combos that might qualify for the price point.

Thanks much in advance!

Showing 1 response by evilfij

I have Senn HD 600 which are amazing. I went with them over the 650 as most reports were that the two were basically par minus a smidge of bass. I thought about getting a headphone amp, but was quite pleased with the sound from the headphone output on my receiver (a marantz now, and formerly an older Sony ES). They even do ok, but with limited volume, through my iphone or computer.

One word of caution, do not buy from amazon as I tried that and ended up with a defective pair of headphones with a missing serial number. I bought mine from an authorized dealer and paid the extra $30 or $40 over amazon after returning the ones that were defective.