That's not the first time that Sony has shot themselves in the foot. They acquire some decent speakers to use with one of their better SACD players, then they screw it up by running the signal through one of their crappy receivers!! (and bad cable sometimes) The Wilson speakers have metal tweeters in them which are borderline to irritating. They sound bad if the associate equipment is not up to snuff.
Cabasse sounded pretty good when I dropped-in to their big room. I was just getting comfortable, enjoying the (familiar) demo song they had on, when they suddenly stopped the music as the big climax to the song was coming!! I freakin' HATE that!! There was no one asking to play anything else, and there were a few of us enjoying the listen. It was stupid to interrupt just so someone could go into a marketing blab. They should have waited until the end of the song, when we would have been impressed with what we had heard, and in a mood to listen to a "pitch". I was outta' there like a shot, grumbling loudly!!
The room with the JM Lab Grand Utopias was playing boring elevator music, not the kind of material to impress people into buying a megabuck speaker. And there was no one around to assist anyone who may have wanted to play some real music...that they needed badly!!
Some good Audio rooms:
Joseph Audio/Manley/Orpheus/Cardas
Hovland/Triangle/Audio Aero
Naim/Wilson Benesch Chimera/Fujitsu
Music Lovers' Spectral/Wilson
Clearaudio turntable rooms
Good Video (I didn't look at all of them)
Good Guys showing D-VHS High Def. That looked really good!! I'm totally pissed-off that we only have a tape format for High Def. movies at home (crappy satellite feeds with butchered 4:3 picture and bad sound don't count!!) It'll be nice when I can go down to the video store and rent a High Def. movie on disc!! They were showing D-VHS in the Sharp/Parasound room, but something was screwing-up the picture in the details; they were mushy and noisy....and they didn't seem to notice!! Fujitsu plasma looked good in some rooms, not so good in others. That means bad cable, and/or bad set-up skills, and sometimes no line filtering.
Cabasse sounded pretty good when I dropped-in to their big room. I was just getting comfortable, enjoying the (familiar) demo song they had on, when they suddenly stopped the music as the big climax to the song was coming!! I freakin' HATE that!! There was no one asking to play anything else, and there were a few of us enjoying the listen. It was stupid to interrupt just so someone could go into a marketing blab. They should have waited until the end of the song, when we would have been impressed with what we had heard, and in a mood to listen to a "pitch". I was outta' there like a shot, grumbling loudly!!
The room with the JM Lab Grand Utopias was playing boring elevator music, not the kind of material to impress people into buying a megabuck speaker. And there was no one around to assist anyone who may have wanted to play some real music...that they needed badly!!
Some good Audio rooms:
Joseph Audio/Manley/Orpheus/Cardas
Hovland/Triangle/Audio Aero
Naim/Wilson Benesch Chimera/Fujitsu
Music Lovers' Spectral/Wilson
Clearaudio turntable rooms
Good Video (I didn't look at all of them)
Good Guys showing D-VHS High Def. That looked really good!! I'm totally pissed-off that we only have a tape format for High Def. movies at home (crappy satellite feeds with butchered 4:3 picture and bad sound don't count!!) It'll be nice when I can go down to the video store and rent a High Def. movie on disc!! They were showing D-VHS in the Sharp/Parasound room, but something was screwing-up the picture in the details; they were mushy and noisy....and they didn't seem to notice!! Fujitsu plasma looked good in some rooms, not so good in others. That means bad cable, and/or bad set-up skills, and sometimes no line filtering.