HDMI Terms and Troubles...

Having been lured in and taken the bait from a sales person that assured me I would be able to "grow" with a particular Sony unit...I now refuse to buy anything Sony as it.'s build out is simply stupid, therefore all things Sony must be the same. Besides, I am not a fan of having any one particular format forced into my home (ie BlueRay).
In all honesty though, the Sony does everything it's "supposed" to do...and it does it well...I made an error in trusting a particular sales person.

My questions start with HDMI terms...in respect to "pass-through" and "decoding".
Am I correct in presuming that the term pass-though is exactly that and nothing more? No processing of any kind happens to the signal and whatever your source is, that's also what comes out to your display?
Whereas decoding actually takes the signal and enhances or corrects it according to your setup?

My problem is this...my Sony has 3 HDMI inputs and NONE of them will allow me to get the audio from that signal and go to the surrounds. I have to install additional audio cables from each source and essentially double my cable mess. I just want a simple clean look.
My home is modest by most standards (under 1K sqft) and my wife and I almost never go to theaters anymore, so we try to enjoy our movies the best we can. I am seeking guidance in selecting a new center-piece for my setup. I do not need DSPs or separates, or any of the like... Just a simple tuner/receiver 5.1 unit with about 100WPC+/-, perhaps with THX and at least 4 HDMI inputs that WILL allow audio extraction to the surrounds.
I have seen the ONKYO TXSR806 suggested here and there. Then someone said the "805" is/was a better unit???
Perhaps the 706 unit?
I would like to keep the budget right about 500.00 for this as my sister-inlaw owes me a bit less than that from last year...so I am x-mas shopping a little for myself.

Any and all suggestions in the right direction will be appreciated.


Showing 1 response by programmergeek

Well, I can't recomend a piece but I can give you some good advice. I don't know why you are not getting sound that is strange maybe the hdmi standard is different they have changed.

First piece of advice any processor or receiver will outdate every couple of years. Things change it is the way it is. This is a good and bad thing with seprates you don't have to replace as much but don't buy a receiver thinking you will keep it forever. at the $500 price range they are usally non upgradable.

For $500 don't worry about THX. It is a certification and really means nothing other than they paid alot for it and garentees some sort of sound standard, However that cost for the certification has to come form somewhere in the price and unless you are running pretty good stuff 5K+ speakers etc. THX really means very little.

Hope this helps a bit.