HDMI audiophile cable

I have a Musician Pegasus DAC I’m VERY happy with in my HeadFi rig.  But, it’s got this I2S input I feel the need to use.  So, I’m gonna drop the $ on a Singxer SU-2 to give me the best connection but, and it’s a big but, what HDMI cable is best for audio.  Yeah, I know there have been other threads about this, but this frontier is changing so quickly I want the latest and greatest.  So here we are.  If I’m gonna dump almost 500 bucks on a digital converter, I sure as hell don’t wanna undermine it with a sub-optimal HDMI cable, and I got nuthin’.  Let it fly!


Showing 1 response by thyname

@soix I think you have this figured out yourself already, but getting advice on anything audio from Jason Bourne is like getting advice on the virtues of Christianity from a Taliban 😂😂


For a i2s HDMI cable I would recommend one of the discontinued previous generation HDMI cables from Audioquest. Music Direct has them occasionally at deep discount. I got a pair of Vodka for my Esoteric SACD transport a few months back at less than half of. Previous generation non-48 which still good for Audio purposes.


I used to own the Singxer Su-1 several years ago. I recall the best thing I did with it was modify it to use a linear power supply, Kitsune in California had a mod kit back then for that purpose. It was transformative in SQ. Serious. Having said this, I am completely unfamiliar with current generation of Singxer. This is just from my previous own experience.