Im trying to play HDCD encoded files to My Cary 303/200 but they dont seem to be recognised bythe Cary as such. Im Using the HDCD plug in for foobar. When i put in an HDCD CD the HDCD light comes on on the Cary. However when i run the ripped file hrough the spdif into it the light doesnt come on.
Not sure if its just not passing the hdcd signal(set at 24bits/96khz default in HD Audio manger, at 16/44 doesnt help get hdcd) or if the Cary will only recognise HDCD from a disk.


Showing 3 responses by larry_s

HDCD is a format that "magically" encodes 20bits of data into 16bits. There is a signal bit in the stream that identifies it as HDCD. If the decoder takes the HDCD data and converts it to 24/96 the player has no way of knowing that the original source was HDCD. If you configure Foobar to pass HDCD PCM unmolested to the player then the light should come on. Although depending a how/where the HDCD decoding is done in the player that light still may not come on when not using the physical disc. HDCD 16bit PCM can be played just fine without decoding, just slightly lower SNR.
Kijanki, I believe what you said is true only if encoding is done with HDCD Peak Extend. Don't know if that's always done or not. The 16th signal bit and decoding hints is usually in only 1-2 percent of the data samples.
Bozzy, you shouldn't need the "audio manager". You need something like ASIO or WASAPI to allow Foobar to send unmolested PCM straight to the USB or S/PDIF output.