HD Radio in Portland, OR

Is anyone using the Sangean HDT-1 HD tuner in their system? What are your thoughts on the performance of the unit and the format itself?

Showing 2 responses by relenga

Hi, I recently purchased the HDT-1 tuner with fairly low expectations. For background, I live in Seattle with good to great reception. I am really impressed with the sound of the unit. I have used a Magnum-Dynalab, Linn, Hafler and other tuners. The digital broadcast sounds much better in my opinion. I am waiting for an audiophile company to build a HD Tuner, until then I think this is the best tuner you can get.
Feeling I should expand my comments.

First, I am running my Sangean using an Magnum Dynalab roof antenna.

Second, I think most FM transmitters transmit everything digital today. The days of an FM station spinning vinyl and transmitting the signal through tube gear are over. They run digital files through A/D converters and transmit the signal. A pure digital signal from file to your HD Receiver that converts the signal to analog for playback should be better. I get much less noise and static than I did with my old tuners. I think the music sounds better. Makes me wonder what quality of A/D converters the station uses.

Anyway the Sangean has a digital out, so I am excited to see what it will sound like with a nice D/A converter. More later.